Raúl Pérez Ruiz (born 1976, Valencia) obtained his B. Sc. in Chemistry at the University of Valencia (2001). In 2006, he received his PhD in Chemistry (European Doctorate) with honors under the guidance of Prof. Miguel Angel Miranda at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), supported by a FPI fellowship from the Spanish Government. During his PhD studies, he performed two short-term stays at the University of Cologne, Germany (Prof. Axel G. Griesbeck) and at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Prof. Luisa de Cola).

Dr. Pérez-Ruiz obtained a postdoctoral (09/2006-02/2007) contract with Dr. Thanasis Gimisis (University of Athens, Greece) and afterwards he moved to the research group of Prof. Axel G. Griesbeck at the University of Cologne (Germany) as a research associate where he was awarded with the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (06/2007-11/2008). In December 2008, he rejoined as postdoctoral scientist to the Department of Chemistry at the UPV with Prof. M. Consuelo Jiménez (Fundación CajaMurcia 12/2008-04/2011 and Juan de la Cierva Program 05/2011-04/2014).

In 07/2014, he received a Marie Curie-IEF Fellowship funded under the European Commission’s FP7. The research project was developed within the group of Prof. Axel Jacobi von Wangelin, University of Regensburg (Germany), ending it up in 06/2016. After this time, Dr. Pérez-Ruiz was employed as a postdoctoral researcher under an EXPLORA project led by Prof. Miguel A. Miranda at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (07/2016-02/2017), and subsequently he was awarded as senior assistant researcher by «Atracción de Talento Program 2016, Modalidad 1» funded by Community of Madrid to continue his scientific career in the Photoactivated Processes Unit (Leader: Dr. Victor A. de la Peña O’Shea) at the IMDEA-Energy Institute (03/2017-12/2018). From 01/2019 to 07/2022, Dr. Pérez-Ruiz was Distinguished Researcher at the Chemistry Department in the UPV granted by the GenT programme from the Valencian Government (CIDEGENT).

Since 07/22, he holds a permanent position as Associate Professor at the Chemistry Department in the UPV and he is currently the Vicepresident of the Photochemistry Group (GRUFO) from the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ).

General Quality Indicators

(Updated data: 9th Jul 2024)

ResearchID: Z-6343-2019   Scopus: 6506882126   ORCID: 0000-0003-1136-3598

Total citations (WoS/Scopus/Google Scholar): 1356/1433/1737

h-index (WoS/Scopus/Google Scholar) =22/24/26

i10-index (Google Scholar) = 51



  • PhD Thesis. Angie Julliet Bellaizac Riascos. New Organic Dyes with Synthetic and Biological Applications. Expected: Aug 2027
  • PhD Thesis. Daniel Álvarez Gutiérrez. Development of new two-photon upconversion systems based on triplet-triplet annihilation for photoredox catalysis using visible light. Expected: Aug 2025
  • PhD Thesis. Jorge Castellanos Soriano. Redox Catalysis mediated by Photon Upconversion. Defended: 20th Feb 2024. Outstanding CUM LAUDE
  • PhD Thesis. Jorge C. Herrera Luna. Production of New Carbon-Heteroatom Bonds Induced by Visible Light. Defended 2nd December 2022. Outstanding CUM LAUDE
  • PhD Thesis. Oscar Molins Molina. Irreversible Photobinding of Ligands to Serum Albumins. Defended 24th February 2020. Outstanding

Master Thesis

  • Master Thesis. Pablo Cebrián Blazquez. Estudio y propuestas de descontaminación de poliolefinas por procesos físico-químicos para el reciclado mecánico. Defended 21st September 2023
  • Master Thesis. Vicente Hernandis Altur. Photocatalytic Activity Study of New Generation Dyes. Defended 21st July 2021
  • Master Thesis. Oscar Molins Molina. Photophysic and Photochemical Study of 4-Trifluoromethyl-1-Naphthol. Defended 23rd September 2014

Final Degree Projects

  • TFG. Alba Cervigón Hernández. Valoración de CO2 mediante fotocatálisis dicromática empleando luz visible . Defended 11th July 2024
  • TFG. Lucía Chacón Bautista. Síntesis, caracterización y estudio de la actividad fotocatalítica de colorantes basados en BODIPYs asimétricos . Defended 11th July 2024
  • TFG. Laura García Revert. Síntesis de derivados de BODIPY (borodipirrometanos) y su aplicación a la fotocatálisis redox. Defended 11th July 2023
  • TFG. Emilio José Garrido García. Síntesis y caracterización estructural y espectroscópica de un sistema basado en oxazol y biacetilo para aniquilación intramolecular triplete-triplete. Defended 8th September 2022
  • TFG. Alex Roig Fornes. Síntesis, propiedades fotofísicas y actividad fotocatalítica de derivados de BOPHY. Defended 8th July 2022 
  • TFG. Andrés Bernal Martí. Síntesis de Anillos Beta-Lactámicos y su Aplicación Química y Biológica. Defended 10th September 2021

Invited Talk (IT)/Oral Communication (OC)

  • 2024 IT, CiTQ multidisciplinary seminars, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona
  • 2023 OC, 39 Reunión Bienal de Química de la RSEQ
  • 2022 IT, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón
  • 2022 OC, VII Jornadas Ibéricas de Fotoquímica (JIF2022)
  • 2022 OC, 38 Reunión Bienal de Química de la RSEQ
  • 2022 IT, VI Jornada de Promoción de la Investigación Básica para Estudiantes de Ciencias e Ingenierías
  • 2019 OC, 37 Reunión Bienal de Química de la RSEQ
  • 2019 OC, IX Reunión de Química Orgánica del Mediterráneo (IX REQOMED)
  • 2018 IT, Universidad de La Rioja, Logroño
  • 2018 OC, 27th PhotoIUPAC, International Symposium on Photochemistry
  • 2018 OC, XXVII Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica
  • 2017 OC, 28th International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP)
  • 2015 OC, 22nd Seminar Day Research Training Group «Chemical Photocatalysis»
  • 2013 OC, 34 Reunión Bienal de Química de la RSEQ
  • 2012 OC, IX Spanish-Italian Symposium on Organic Chemistry (SISOC)
  • 2012 OC, XXIV Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica
  • 2010 IT, Ciclo «Jovenes Investigadores» 2010, Universidad de La laguna
  • 2008 OC, Central European Conference on Photochemistry (CECP)
  • 2008 OC, 21 Lecture Conference
  • 2006 OC, XIV Jorandas Hispano-Francesas de Química Orgánica
  • 2006 OC, VI CLUSTOXDNA Meeting